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The original release of Kasumi: Stolen Memory required the download of the Cerberus Network service for Mass Effect 2, and the Kasumi Mission was released for free as well. Since Bioware's website has been deactivated, the code to obtain the Cerberus Network must be done via your EA account.
Black holes are famously said to have "no hair," meaning that they canbe described in General Relativity by only two parameters, effectivelymass and spin. Accurate masses can and have been measured for someblack holes, but the spin parameter has been a tougher nut to crack,because its effects are largely restricted to changes in thespace-time structure very near the event horizon. RXTE's largethroughput and fast timing ability have enabled new efforts to measureblack hole spins. Recently, two independent efforts have focused onthe micro-quasar GRS 1915+105, and have attempted to use spectralmodeling of emission from the inner accretion disk to measure itsspin. Jeff McClintock (MIT) and colleagues identify and fit dataintervals in which GRS 1915+105 shows spectral behavior characteristicof disk emission. Using fits with fully relativistic models, theyargue for a near maximal spin for GRS 1915+105. Matthew Middleton(University of Durham, UK) and collaborators use esentially the sametechnique, but have a different criteria for selecting the "diskdominated" states. Nevertheless, they also infer a rather high spinrate of 0.7. While each group argues that they've got it right,perhaps more interesting is that they both require a substantial spinrate for the black hole in GRS 1915+105.
While radio galaxies - which are being used to trace the massivegalaxy population at all epochs - have been studied intensively forthe past 40 years, their radio quiet counterparts beyond the localuniverse are only now being discovered in substantial numbers. Theworkshop aims to bring together the established radio galaxy communitywith the students of the radio quiet sources and so help to elucidatethe effects of the (possibly) different host galaxies and environmentand those of the powerful radio jets. More information at -fac/meetings/agnii2007/
Over the last six years, a host of new multi-wavelength observationshave substantially changed our view of galaxy clusters, have fueledsignificant progress in our understanding of their formation andevolution, and at the same time have opened new outstandingquestions. New X-ray observations have revealed the complexity of theIntra- Cluster Medium which challenge our physical models. Anincreasing number of studies of clusters at z>1 have shed new light onthe epoch and formation history of cluster galaxies in contrast withthose in lower density environments. The application of gravitationallensing techniques on spectacular HST-ACS data has allowed the darkmatter mass distribution in the inner cores of cluster halos to beinvestigated. The much wider dynamical ranges now accessible tonumerical simulations have led to a new understanding of theachievements and of the shortcomings of the current modelling ofgalaxy clusters in the cosmological framework. 2ff7e9595c